The purpose of this integration to provide a window into Now Infinity Corporate Messenger on your Dashboard so we can get an overview of key ASIC related details without having to leave AccountKit and a quick view of client information direct from NowInfinity against the client record.
Getting started...
What does the integration do?
NowInfinity | AccountKit
- Show the ASIC inbox on the Dashboard for oversight of lodgements, annual review and debt
- Direct click through to company's in NowInfinity from dashboard, client and client list pages.
- Preview of company information from NowInfinity on the client detail page
- Generate exceptions report comparing Company data in AccountKit with that in NowInfinity
NowInfinity | Xero Practice Manager | AccountKit - Changes in AccountKit flow to XPM for utilising the below
- All documents and entities created on NowInfinity can be copied to XPM.
- Existing data from XPM can be imported and utilised in NowInfinity.
- Changes to company details made with Corporate Messenger will update in XPM.
- Generating discrepancies reports.
Get Connected
Have a user with practice administrator user permissions head to your Practice Settings
- Go to the Integrations tab
- Hover over the Now Infinity row and select the 3 button menu and press "Connect to..."
- Go through the NowInfinity login process to authorise AccountKit's access.
- AccountKit will now retrieve the company's within NowInfinity and link them to a client in AccountKit where it can find a match.
- During the matching process, the actions carried out are as follows
- Look for match via ACN
- Look for match via Name
- Where a match is found, but the ACN field is empty or incomplete in AccountKit, the ACN field will be automatically populated and where connected, push this change into Xero Practice Manager.
- Upon completion, you will receive a notification at the top of the page that the sync process is now complete and potentially that there are some exceptions to resolve.
How do you use it?
After completing the syncing process, inevitably there will be some exceptions to deal with. This is where the exceptions report comes into it. The report lists any differences between the Authorised clients in AccountKit as compared to those with NowInfinity's company list.
Managing your NowInfinity Exceptions
To get to the report, simply head there via one of three locations
- Utilise the shortcut via the notification you would receive after a sync
- If you have access to practice settings, you can access the report via the 3 dot menu on the integrations tab.
- Press the action button from the Corporate Messenger dashboard.
The exceptions you are likely to come across and the way to fix them includes
- The client is in AccountKit on the left, but not in the NowInfinity list on the right.
- If the client IS one you are an authorised ASIC agent for, you will need to:
- Go to NowInfinity and prepare the applicable form to add the company to your client list.
- Next time we sync the system will find a match.
- If the client IS NOT one you are an authorised ASIC agent for, you will need to either:
- Select the cross icon to remove the authorisation from AccountKit (so that we no longer test this company against the NowInfinity client list.
OR - Browse to the client and remove the authorisation from the client record and save the changes. Upon pressing the refresh button, the client will then be removed from the exceptions list.
- Select the cross icon to remove the authorisation from AccountKit (so that we no longer test this company against the NowInfinity client list.
- If the client IS one you are an authorised ASIC agent for, you will need to:
- The client is not in AccountKit on the left but is in the Nowinfinity list on the right.
- If the client is one you are NOT acting for, you'll need to remove them from your ASIC list;
- Go to NowInfinity and prepare the applicable form to remove the company from your client list.
- Next time we sync the client will disappear from the right side and therefore remove the exception
- If the client IS one that you are authorised to act for:
- Check to ensure the client exists within AccountKit and that they're setup as a "Company" entity type.
- Then we need to check that the company has been flagged as "Authorised" (ie. authorised to represent with ASIC); You have two options:
- Browse to the client and ensure the Practice Authority is ticked before returning to the exceptions report and reloading the page; OR
- Select the "show unauthorised clients" option; Where you will see the client now appear on both sides.
- Browse to the client and ensure the Practice Authority is ticked before returning to the exceptions report and reloading the page; OR
- Select the company from the drop down on either list and press the tick button to link the two clients together. Press the cancel cross if you've selected the wrong client.
- If the client is one you are NOT acting for, you'll need to remove them from your ASIC list;
Once the list is clear, your client lists are now in fully in sync!
Manual Matching
On the odd occasion that we do not find a matching ACN to match against, you may need to manually match clients in AccountKit with those in NowInfinity.
Just follow these steps and watch the animation.
- Simply head to anywhere you see the NowInfinity logo within the client detail page, client list page or family group page.
- Select the grey NowInfinity logo to show the context menu
- Start to search the name of the client
- Upon selecting the client, it will complete the match with the icon turning blue
Unmatching a client
If at some point the wrong client is matched to a client in NowInfinity, you will want to manually unmatch them. Simply follow these steps.
- Go to any where you see the NowInfinity logo (client detail page, client list page, family group page) and select the "disconnect client" option.
On Your Dashboard
Your window into Corporate Messenger and your company list is made up of a number of elements
- To enable the integration, head on into your practice settings and enter your login details to enable Corporate Messenger on your dashboard.
- The refresh button - Your company information will refresh each night, but you can force an updated at any time by pushing the refresh button in the top right corner.
- The 3 tabs which give you visibility into the various corporate compliance areas of interest - Companies with Debt, Annual Reviews and Lodgements.
You also have the option by hovering over the relevant company to click through to the company in NowInfinity, the client in AccountKit or the company record with ASIC.
Tab 1 | Companies with Debt
This tab shows upcoming, current and overdue debt with ASIC and the applicable amount enabling you to remind your clients of their obligations ahead of time as well as prompting you to remind the delinquent payers that they're late with a payment and incurring fines.
Tab | Description | |
Company Name | This is a list of your client's companies as they are registered with ASIC |
ACN | Australian Company Number |
Future Debt | Upcoming debt that is nearly due |
Debt Now Due | ASIC debt that is now due either because an annual review is due or a form recently lodged. |
Overdue | The different columns represent just how overdue a payment is for a given company along with any accompanying fines. |
Total Debt | Represents total funds due to be paid to ASIC presently irrespective of due date. |
Tab 2 | Annual Reviews
This tab identifies upcoming annual reviews so you can schedule your upcoming week with your annual review requirements.
Column | Description | |
Company Name | This is a list of your client's companies as they are registered with ASIC |
ACN | Australian Company Number |
Payment | Due date for payment of the Annual Review (4 weeks after the due date) |
Today | Due date for the Annual Review to arrive. |
Next 7 Days | Annual reviews due to arrive in the next week. |
7 - 14 Days | Annual reviews due to arrive in the following week. |
Show only those annual reviews requiring actioning | To reduce some of the clutter tick this box to filter out the Annual Reviews that have already been sent out, just leaving those that need to be dealt with |
Tab 3 | Lodgements
This tab shows all current outstanding lodgements with ASIC and their associated status. Good for a quick snapshot as to where your lodgements are up to and whether there are any areas to address.
Column | Description | |
Company Name | This is a list of your client's companies as they are registered with ASIC |
ACN | Australian Company Number |
Status | Identifies the status of a lodgement as either:
Document Type | Due date for the Annual Review to arrive. |
Lodgement Deadline | Date to be lodged by before fines are issued. |
Date Modified | Date that the document had last been modified by your office. |
Contact | The staff member who created the document for lodgement. |
Other Usage
Client Detail Page
On the client detail page you have an integrations area where you can preview client information direct from NowInfinity for comparing against your own client data.
- Client NOT matched to a company within NowInfinity
- Client Matched to a company within NowInfinity expanded to show associated info. [COMING SOON]
Client Group Page
Within the client group, if you expand the integrations area, you will see all company information details for those entities within the group with the option to click through to NowInfinity direct.
Related Links
Practice Settings - Integrations | Head to practice settings for the steps to enable this integration. |
Shared Elements (Eg. Action Menu) | Check out this link for various elements shared throughout the various toolsets. |
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