31st December 2022
Another year down with lots of exciting releases, here's the final wrap up for the somewhat shorter month.
What's New Webinar
- No recording.
Our focus for the month
- AccountKit 2.0
- Release of tools & elements polished and ready under the new UI
- Client detail - auto-calculation of client ages
- Workflow refinements
- Remove the templates list when linking tasks from generalised toolbar.
- Added ability to quick search for template
- Now showing 2 blank template pages - one for when a search yields no result and another where there's no templates at all.
- Dynamic update to the daily plan where tasks / sub-tasks are added while the plan is already open.
- Added much more task detail to the Cardwall view + optimisations to load.
- Updated functionality to the daily plan so that marking off an item doesn't necessarily complete the complete task (eg. I'm working on tax compliance and have finished my work on it for today, but the whole task isn't yet complete). Outcome as follows:
- Reminder - Crosses out in the daily plan AND marks as complete
- Parent Task / Sub-Task - Crosses out in the daily plan but does NOT mark as complete (you would use the task status to do this)
- Checklist item - Crosses out in the daily plan and marks the checklist item as complete.
- In-progress refinement to tools getting ready for release under the new UI
- Correspondence register
- Migration of tags to global tag system
- Upgrade the Slack, Team, Email and SMS elements
- Upgrade Share-to element.
- Commence mail register merging
- Correspondence register
- Release of tools & elements polished and ready under the new UI
- Other work
- Global search refinements
- Added the ability to search by mobile number in the legacy and new UI
- Refined the search to handle different name order as well.
- Bug fixing and other refinements
- Liaising with SuiteFiles with respect to search bug via the API.
- Disable ability to group a selection if there is only one object selected.
- Fixed an out of range error in the new Birthday calendar
- Fixed a bug with the ATO Lodgement import where the & symbol is used in a client name + other related symbol fixes.
- Removal of the person assigned to a tax authority where the authority has been removed (whether it be in the client record or ATO lodgements)
- Update to the export current client list function to include Client Code and take into account the current views filter options.
- Refinements to the XPM integration.
- Modify XPM sync logic to refine outcome where duplicated clients are created via the API
- Added a new Client Code field and added to the client search fields.
- Update logic surrounding the fact that the "Display Name" in XPM is now mandatory and not the First Name / Last Name. Further functionality includes
- Ability to set first name / last name order
- Ability to enforce the naming convention including up on sync in from XPM
- Ability to override the naming convention on a per client basis.
- Ability to extract out the first name, other name, last name from the display name where the fields are empty.
- Ability to apply client name changes in bulk and push back to XPM from practice settings.
- Auto-generation of the display name from the first name / other name / last name
- Contacts will always show as first name last name even if a contact is a pre-existing client.
- Removal of the Income Tax authority and associated user if removed from XPM.
- Update to the "Update XPM ID" modal to show more descriptive help and ability to search for a client by a potentially different name. Includes a confirmation dialogue before implementing the change.
- Refinements to the Inter-entity loan tool
- Increased the allowed volume of visible transactions from 500 to 1000
- Refactor of scripts and removal of unused elements to optimise performance
- Re-write of the transaction modal using javascript to optimise performance further.
- Fixed a bug which caused the change in the transaction tooltip to show incorrectly.
- Refactor the adjustment popup to optimise performance and correct entries where many transactions have been selected.
- Global search refinements
30th November 2022
Inching ever closer to full release of AccountKit 2.0 UI... and Christmas. 🎄
What's New Webinar
Our focus for the month
- AccountKit 2.0
- Release of tools & elements polished and ready under the new UI
- Equipment Finance Bulk import upgraded
- Professional Development - Increased the character count to allow more detailed notes to be kept.
- Inter-entity loan tool
- Division 7a tool
- Fuel Tax credit calculator
- Loan calculators
- Compounding calculator
- Extra repayments calculator
- Retirement calculator
- Client list, detail and group pages; Including
- Various optimisations to the way we sync to XPM and show integration data.
- Business name register pop-up
- Client notes pop-up
- Contacts pop-up
- Relationships pop-up
- Address pop-up and bulk change pop-up.
- Calculate and show the age of a client where they have a date of birth.
- Date picker - Various refinement to behaviour and visuals.
- In-progress refinement to tools getting ready for release under the new UI
- Correspondence register - including text templates
- Important items register
- Notifications
- Practice settings
- Franking account register
- Single UI optimisation (this is about not reloading the whole page with a change of tool)
- Bug fixing and other refinements
- Fixed an issue that prevented emails from being saved from Gmail due to a change in button behaviour.
- Fixed issues where the filters wouldn't allow all records to load.
- Fixed issue where a users total hours in the PD Register wouldn't show.
- A bunch of fixes around the way we handle the relationship data in the background for Client Maps, resulting in the appearance of duplicated relationships, even where they're not.
- Changed Xero journal posting to json rather than xml
- Modified the behaviour for subscription updates with Stripe where direct debit is used to prevent showing account as expired.
- Where the new pricing hasn't been selected, we now show the old pricing in the new UI by default with a toggle to view the new pricing.
- Detect on the dashboard if NowInfinity or BGL is connected and show components as required.
- Refinements to Workflow
- Fixed a bug in the kanban view where dragging to an empty user/slot would generate an error and not save.
- Release of tools & elements polished and ready under the new UI
31st October 2022
Polish, polish, polish ... across the new UI and workflow... rinse, repeat...
What's New Webinar
Our focus for the month
- AccountKit 2.0
- Release of tools & elements polished and ready under the new UI
- Client Map
- Professional Development
- Date picker expanded functionality for dynamic date ranges (eg. next 7 days; last 3 months) + ability to type dates in directly. Also simple v's advanced for date ranges.
- Congratulations pop-up after signing up.
- In-progress refinement to tools getting ready for release under the new UI
- Inter-entity Loan
- Division 7a
- Client List view
- Client Detail view
- Client Group refinements - NowInfinity functionality and ability to add tool records + sub-menus.
- Bug fixing in new UI
- New select menu would skip rows upon scroll
- Integrations not populating client filters
- All records not loading upon scroll
- Birthday dashboard adjustments so text doesn't wrap ahead of time.
- Refinements to Workflow
- Moved repeating options to its own tab so you can have multiple repeats for each template;
- Facilitated repeat placeholders that merge with primary placeholder.
- Building linking of workflow items to jobs in XPM
- Release of tools & elements polished and ready under the new UI
30th September 2022
We continue to focus on fixing issues in the new UI in AccountKit 2.0 and slowly releasing tools as and when they hit the appropriate level of polish. This will continue to be the focus this next month along side some workflow additions.
What's New Webinar
Our focus for the month
- AccountKit 2.0
- Release of tools & elements polished and ready under the new UI
- Amortisation Scheduler
- Equipment Finance
- Pricing refinements (consolidation of history, confirmation, PDF download)
- In-progress refinement to tools getting ready for release under the new UI
- Client Map
- Correspondence Register
- Client Group (quick search, DMS view, integration views)
- Implementation of new report screens including
- New PDF library for react
- New print preview views for all reports in relation to the above tool
- Refinements to Workflow
- Ability to create a direct link for a view
- Showing "My Work" as a default view for all users
- Re-write of repeating tasks to enable one task to have multiple repeating options with customised placeholders.
- Release of tools & elements polished and ready under the new UI
Various Bug Fixes & Minor Additions
- Client map bug fixes and modifications.
- Relationships double-up issue
- Changes notification fix in relation to first name, last name and other name.
- Bug that caused the canvas dimensions to be wrong invalidating the map.
- Export to PDF issues
- Added new logo for Modano & HowNow
- Fixed a bug with ATO lodgement import where the "ignored TFN's" weren't working.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the graphs from outputting to PDF.
- Fixed a bug with the Dropbox Integration that wouldn't enable saving of parent folder for the practice or client. (change to the API)
31st August 2022
AccountKit 2.0 soft launch has happened - but we continue to polish, test and release for each of the tools to make them near perfect before we give you access. This will be incremental over the coming month.
What's New Webinar
Our focus for the month
- AccountKit 2.0
- Finalisation of the new subscription system with ability to toggle between price models and utilisation of credit card or direct debit.
- New website has been completed and launched - check it out here www.account-kit.com
- Additions to the Help Centre to capture the changes to the user interfacer
- Rework of the client onboarding flow and initial sign-in to the new UI to lead users through the new layout.
- Elements released under the new UI experience
- Dashboard - customisable per user.
- User List & Detail pages
- Practice Settings (preliminary release)
- ATO Lodgements and associated pages
- Enabled Practice Authorities within the old Client Detail pages.
- Updated 2FA setup
- Workflow (beta) - We've released this as an open beta to check performance and gather any preliminary feedback.
- Finalised modifications required for the Xero App Store - enabling the ability to sign-up with Xero.
Various Bug Fixes & Minor Additions
- Fixed some bugs that have arisen with the Client Map and exporting.
- Adjusted the sign-up flow to not force a change of password upon first login.
- Fixed dropbox integration issues relating to initial connection and setting default folder.
- Fixed nimbus portals integration bug preventing users from being able to connect.
31st July 2022
AccountKit 2.0 launch is so close, we can nearly taste it! We're polishing, testing, polishing and testing ... rinse and repeat and will continue to do so until launch toward the end of August.
What's New Webinar
- We had a recording issue, so have instead given a link to the New UI webinar, which was very similar to the What's New this month.
Our focus for the month
AccountKit 2.0
- Client list, detail and groups - Continue adding functionality and polishing all pages and associated functionality to align with original screens.
- Conversion of the extra loan repayments, loan calculators, retirement calculator and compounding calculator over to the new UI.
- Optimised screen loading to prevent reload of menus. Dramatically improves performance.
- Created quick search for clients and client groups utilising "/" to open the quick search dialogue.
- Workflow - Created the ability to pull task templates from a global Task Template library to streamline the initial setup of tenants own task templates. Ability to quick create tasks direct + enter to create a new task line (including ability to change into a sub-task); Lots of polish and bug fixes.
- Notifications - initial conversion of notifications over to the React UI.
- Sign-up & Pricing - Creation of new pricing page including upgrading Stripe integration to utilise multiple payment methods; Work in relation to new Xero AppStore requirements including checking for duplicate tenants under the same domain
- Created functionality to enable switching between the Old UI and New UI.
Various Bug Fixes & Minor Additions
- XPM Integration - Conversion of back-end to utilise the one Xero App, rather than separate apps for Xero blue and XPM.
- Xero Integration - Upgrade encryption methodology to new method for increased performance.
- NowInfinity Integration - Work with the NowInfinity team to work through a bug in the API that was preventing tokens refreshing, resulting in the integration invalidating upon renew.
- Upgrades to the AWS Xero Databases along with optimisations to associated queries for boosted performance.
- Updated practice settings to enable the practice logo to be an SVG graphic for better quality appearance and output. Also removed the "dark version" which has never ended up being used.
- Equipment Finance - updated the export for the summary report to replace values of NIL from a "space" to a "$0" which messed up Excel formulas upon export
30th June 2022
Our launch of AccountKit 2.0 is imminent, so we've been going hard on this, with a full other little tweaks and changes.
What's New Webinar
Our focus for the month
- AccountKit 2.0
- Clients - Creation of the new client list and client detail pages including underlying functionality for bulk address changes, client notes, contact linking, relationships and integrations; Commenced creation of the new client group page
- Security - Security testing and modifications to the various shared components to stop code injection and the like.
- Workflow - Created ability to link a workflow item or create a workflow item across any tool via the shared toolbar; Added count for number of tasks v's all tasks in all views; Created ability to sort views and save into the view settings. Created the ability to show related tasks for ease of changing tasks within a group; Enabled the ability to create new checklist items in a task list simply by clicking in the blank area - which can then be converted into a sub-task.
- Dashboard - Finished a first pass over a re-write of the dashboard and ATO lodgements.
- Correspondence Register - Further work refining the new combined mail register / correspondence register
- Bulk editing - Created the generic toolbar for bulk editing of objects; Eg. Delete / archive in bulk. Flexible to be able to then customise based on each tools requirements.
- General - Created ability to load more records upon scroll (across workflow & birthdays)
Various Bug Fixes & Minor Additions
- Divisions 7a - Fixed a bug with export reports due to new UI changes.
- Fuel Tax Credits - Updated with the latest fuel tax credit rates for July
- Equipment Finance - Fixed a bug where bulk import would tick the "existing agreement" checkbox, despite not having been selected.
- Equipment Finance - Added the Reg Number and Contract Number to the Summary Movement Report + associated Excel / PDF modifications.
- Client List - Added authority columns and assigned users + frequency to the client list export.
- General - Fixed an issue where the search textbox was no longer working due to a Compatability issue with new browsers.
- NowInfinity - Fixed a bug where upon connect the dashboard wasn't loading in the new information.
- XPM Sync - Updated the error notification when an invalid TFN / ABN / ACN is posted to XPM to make it clear that the record has saved, just the erroneous data hasn't been sent to XPM.
- ATO Lodgements - Fixed a bug where the percentage wasn't showing correctly.
- Document Management - Enabled the ability to open documents within the web browser version of MS Office and Google applications.
- Correspondence Register - Fixed a bug where if you change correspondence types and the contact field was already populated, it would stay in the field despite it not being utilised for that correspondence type.
31st May 2022
Without wanting to sound like a broken record, our focus is all on AccountKit 2.0...
What's New Webinar
Our focus for the month
- AccountKit 2.0
- Re-write of components to create great flexibility to the new Knowledge Centre
- Polish and bug-fixing for a variety of converted tools
- Further refinements to the generalised components and shared toolbar
- Creation of new PDF export routine
- Optimisations, bug fixes and polish based on beta testing.
- New flexible dashboard including updates to the ATO Lodgements, BGL, NowInfinity, Birthday dashboards etc.
- Various Bug Fixes & Minor Additions
- Outlook Extension - With a change of Microsoft Windows internal browser, the "remember me" option had disappeared, meaning you couldn't keep the AccountKit extension logged in, which is super frustrating
30th April 2022
We're deep into the valley that is AccountKit 2.0, with minor bug fixes as they've appeared throughout the month.
What's New Webinar
Our focus for the month
- AccountKit 2.0
- Further refinements and polish applied to the new Knowledge Centre
- Further refinements to the generalised components - Tool History, Document Management, Global Tags, Collaboration, Full Screen v's Pane view, Minimised views.
- Phase 3 of the upgrade for the Professional Development Register, Important Items Register, Equipment Finance, Inter-entity Loan tools to the new UI.
- Phase 2 conversion for the Amortisation Scheduler and Correspondence Register to the new UI including working on the merging of the mail register & SMS register.
- Phase 1 conversion for the Import screens as a general component, Client Map, Division 7a, Fuel Tax Credit Calculator and re-write of the Franking Account Register (including ability to lock periods)
- Optimisations and bugfixing to the Workflow tool based on feedback from internal Beta testing
- Various Bug Fixes & Minor Additions
- Client map - fix to avoid masked TFN update back from Client map to actual client.
- Equipment Finance - Report changes for missing currency format in Total and disabling the text wrap.
- Inter-Entity Loan - Fixed a bug in the reconciliation report that was showing all lines as Multi-line, when they weren't.
- XPM Sync - Fixed a bug where the update to the address of an affiliate would create a new client in XPM.
- Fuel Tax Credit Calculator - Fixed a bug where values wouldn't update where the FTC rate is $0.00; Relevant to the FTC rates rolled out end of last month.
- Integration - Nimbus Portals - Updated integration after change to API details that broke the JSON encoding.
31st March 2022
AccountKit 2.0 continues to be our focus as we push toward a full update soon after June 30.
What's New Webinar
Our focus for the month
- AccountKit 2.0
- Refinements and polish applied to the new Knowledge Centre
- Refinements to the generalised components - Tool History, Document Management, Global Tags, Collaboration, Full Screen v's Pane view, Minimised views.
- Phase 2 of the upgrade for the Professional Development Register, Important Items Register, Equipment Finance, Inter-entity Loan tools to the new UI
- Phase 1 conversion for the Amortisation Scheduler and Correspondence Register to the new UI.
- Knowledge Centre has reach internal Alpha status.
- Lots of refinements in the Workflow tool based on feedback from internal Beta testing
- Added the ability to minimise / maximise tasks, tools etc
- Various Bug Fixes & Minor Additions
- Practice Admin - Added the ability for a practice administrator to change passwords of employees (specifically to make it easier when implementing Practice Protect); All updates are captured via the history records.
- Division 7a - Added a validation check for where an account is archived in Xero, you are now unable to post any entries until the accounts are unarchived or the schedule has it's accounts updated.
- DMS - Fixed a bug where drag and drop of a file won't then upload and create the link automatically.
- Client Detail - Updated the bulk address pop-up to better work with small screens
- Inter-Entity Loan - Made updates to the way buttons work to prevent buttons being pushed multiple times, resulting in many duplicated journals into Xero (applied across all AccountKit)
- XPM Sync - Fixed a bug where creating a new Affiliate and setting up a new address at the same time would trigger the creation of a client in XPM.
28th February 2022
Bug fix, test, polish, repeat... it's our bread and butter at the moment as we continue the push on AK 2.0.
What's New Webinar
- None this month
Our focus for the month
- AccountKit 2.0
- Phase 1 of the upgrade for the Professional Development Register and Important Documents Register to the Important Items Register
- Phase 1 conversion for the equipment finance and inter-entity loan to operate via an I-frame in the new UI.
- Knowledge Centre has reach internal Alpha status.
- Lots of refinements in the Workflow tool
- Added the ability to minimise / maximise tasks, tools etc
- Various Bug Fixes & Minor Additions
- Equipment Finance - Added a validation check so that the existing agreement date must be on or after the contract date.
- Equipment Finance - Fixed a bug that was showing archived Tax Codes in the purchase journal area resulting in failed purchase postings due to out of balance journals (since Xero changes the tax code automatically via the API)
- Amortisation Scheduler - Added functionality to check for locked periods in Xero; Expanded the functionality for one-off events for equipment finance as well.
- Inter-entity Loan - Optimised the list view to half the calls required to calculate totals and added a lazy load to enable the table to load more quickly.
- Inter-entity Loan - Added a new status of "Setup not complete" for the list view so you can easily filter and remove or finalise schedules where the setup hasn't been completed.
- Client Map - added new software logos:
- PandaDoc
- Cliniko
- Coreplus
- ServiceM8
- Trello
- CareMaster
- Splose
- Lightspeed
- Microkeeper
- Group Filters - Refined the SQL lookup for group filters that were sometimes failing when dealing with large numbers of schedules.
- Client export - Added the new Director ID field to the client list export
- FYI Integration - removed the Beta status, for it's working well!
- NowInfinity Integration - worked with NowInfinity with respect to a bug in the API.
31st January 2022
We're into a brand new year of new possibilities as we race towards AccountKit 2.0, so once again, changes are mostly bug fixes for the past month (when we weren't sunning ourselves at the beach with our respective families). This will continue to be the trend for the coming 5 months.
What's New Webinar
Our focus for the month
- NowInfinity Integration
- We've upgraded the integration to utilise the latest version of the authorisation process. Previously the token would expire once a year, requiring you to disconnect and reconnect. Now the token automatically renews regularly requiring no re-connecting by yourself.
- All you need do is disconnect and reconnect right away OR wait until the current token expires and you get the notification to re-authorise the connection once again.
- This process doesn't change any of the prior linking of clients, everything will behave as before.
- ATO Lodgements Report Import
- Refinements to the import lodgement due date function.
- Refinements to how individuals are imported - the ATO have in the form FIRST NAME, LAST NAME but used to be LAST NAME, FIRST NAME.
- Added two more Trust Types under the Trust archetype.
- Updated terminology for lodgement status from "Not lodged" to "Not received"
- Various Bug Fixes & Minor Additions
- Client Map - Fixed a bug that would prevent a diagram from saving.
- Client Map - Added new software logos for Splose, MicroKeeper and Lightspeed
- Google Drive - Fixed a bug that prevented all folders from showing up in a search
- PD Tracker - Updated the totals to exclude archived records.
- Inter-entity loan - Fixed up some visual formatting issues.
- Client Detail - Updated Directors ID's to only show on individual client types.
- XPM - Fixed an issue where there is a duplicate client in XPM, not syncing the duplicate into AccountKit (in relation to fixing the other issue where Xero HQ merges clients, deleting the old client and creating a new, resulting in duplicate clients fixed a couple months ago)
- XPM - Added ability for support users to manually update the XPM Client ID where matched to a wrong client (due to the above Xero HQ merging issue)
Historical Latest Releases
Want to go back in time and see more of the historical changes across AccountKit, check out the following links.
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